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她曾在China Quarterly、Journal of Social Policy、Social Inclusion、Critical Asian Studies、Asian Journal of Women’s Studies、《中国研究》、《贵州社会科学》等SSCI、CSSCI期刊发表论文二十余篇。目前担任Social Inclusion期刊编辑。


1. Yang, Lichao and Robert Walker. 2020. Gender Dynamics, Social Assistance and Poverty in Village China: Understanding Intersectionality. Social Politics. SSCI. 已接收待发表

2. Yang, Lichao and Robert Walker. 2020. Dibao dissatisfaction, village decision-making and social cohesion in northern China. Modern China. SSCI.已接收待发表

3. Yang, Lichao and Xiaodong Ren. 2020. Transitions and Conflicts: Re-examining impacts of migration on young women’s status and gender practice in rural Shanxi. Social Inclusion, 8(2): 58-67. SSCIDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17645/si.v8i2.2648

4. 张睿;杨力超,健康焦虑的建构与反思——消费主义嵌入下青年人的日常养生实践,中国青年研究[J],2020,88-94. CSSCI.

5. 杨力超,Robert Walker. 2020后的贫困与反贫困:反思、展望与建议[J].贵州社会科学, 2020,362(2): 148-154. CSSCI.

6. 杨力超.发展援助项目中的社会性别与参与式方法——以内蒙古某项目为案例的人类学研究[J].中国研究, 2020, 25: 174-189.CSSCI.

7. Yang, Lichao, Chulin Jiang, Xiaodong Ren, Robert Walker, Jian Xie, and Zhao, Y. 2020.Determining dimensions of poverty applicable in China: a qualitative study in Guizhou. Journal of Social Service Research. DOI: 10.1080/01488376.2020.1734712. SSCI.

8. Yang, Lichao, Robert Walker and Jian Xie. 2019. Shame, Face and Social Relations in Northern China: Ramifications for Social Assistance Provision. China Quarterly. DOI: 10.1017/S0305741019001255. SSCI.

9. Yang, Lichao and Robert Walker. 2019. Poverty, Shame and Ethics in Contemporary China. Journal of Social Policy, 49(3): 1-18. doi:10.1017/S0047279419000667. SSCI.

10. Walker, Robert and Lichao Yang. 2019. Anti-poverty Policies and Discourses of Blame in China, Made in China, 4(1): 46-9.

11. Wei Shen, Shilpi Srivastava, Lichao Yang, Kavya Jain & Patrick Schröder. 2020. Understanding the impacts of outdoor air pollution on social inequality: advancing a just transition framework. Local Environment.25(1):1-17. SSCI. https://doi.org/10.1080/13549839.2019.1687431.

12. Scoones,I.,Stirling, A.,Yang,L.et al. 2019. Transformations to sustainability: combining structural, systemic and enabling approaches. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 20:1-11. SSCI.

13. 谢坚, 杨力超. 肮脏与洁净:环境卫生改善对贫困农民尊严的促进. 贵州师范大学学报. 5: 64-74. DOI: 10.16614/j.gznuj.skb.2019.05.009.

14. Walker, Robert and Lichao Yang. 2019. Anti-poverty Policies and Discourses of Blame in China. Made in China. 4(1): 46-9.

15. Ma, Weiqiang, Hongqin Deng and Lichao Yang. 2019. The Pilot Land Reform Program and Land Reform in Pilot Villages: A Study of Pilot Land Reform and Party Consolidation in Lucheng, China, Rural China: An International Journal of History and Social Science. 16:9-37.

16. 蒋楚麟,杨力超.抗逆力视角下的绿色失业人口研究.贵州社会科学[J]. 2018(11): 135-142.CSSCI.

17. 陈键, 杨梦, 杨力超.大学生创业团队特征与创业结果研究[J]. 青年探索, 2017(1). CSSCI.

18. Yang, Lichao. 2015. At the bottom of the heap: Socio-economic circumstances and health practices and beliefs among garbage collectors in peri-urban China, Critical Asian Studies. 48(1): 1-9. SSCI.

19. 谢坚, 杨力超, 张欢欢. 多利益相关方互动:对企业履行环境治理责任困境的探索[J].贵州社会科学, 2016(10),163-168. CSSCI.

20. 杨力超,郭沛源 .全球化背景下的企业社会责任.中国经济出版社, 2015.

21. 张强, 陆奇斌, 胡雅萌, 郭虹, 杨力超. 中国政社合作的“发展型协同共治”模式——基于云南省境外非政府组织管理的探讨[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版), 2015, 28(3): 16-22. CSSCI.

22. Yang, Lichao. 2013. Gender, participation and development interventions in rural China. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing. Germany.

23. Yang, Lichao. 2012. Empowered or Disempowered? Women’s Participation in a Development Project in Rural China. Asian Journal of Women’s Studies (18)3: 38-67. SSCI.

24. Yang, Lichao. 2010. Myths and Realities: Gender and Participation in a Donor-aided Project in Northern China”, in Jacka and Sally (eds) Women, Gender and Development in Rural China, Edward Elgar.